Judith Durr

"Enduring Legacy"

Judith Durr - About - Native American Gallery - Classical Gallery - Commission Video - Workshops - COWGIRL UP! - Govenors Commission in Progress - Desert Caballeros Western Museum Exhibition at Sharlot Hall Museum  -PEARCE MUSEUM - Guachimonton-Mexico Commission - Cowgirl Up! 2020 Contact - The Ranch - Western Artists of America - WAA - Slide Show -

Member of Western Artists of America  - W.A.A.

Join Judith at the Pearce Museum, Corsicana, Texas, 2012. 

"Painting can be taught, however, the gift of inspiration, dedication and passion are within.  " - Judith Durr

"Judith Durr's paintings make you wonder if you are looking through and open window, rather than at a painting. Indian-art objects are "still life" is Judith's special talent-an art of illusion - created by layers, many glazes,  and a wet on wet technique. It is why her paintings stand alone as "Enduring Legacies" that honor American Indian heritage."  -Sandra Lynch - curator, Sharlot Hall Museum, Smithsonian affilliate, Prescott, Arizona.

Arizona artist, Judith Durr’s exquisite oil paintings have taken Native American art to new levels of integrity and innovation. Her spectacular style and dedication to realism make her one of the foremost Native American artists in the United States. 

Documenting the artifacts, the cultures and native styles in her oil paintings, Judith Durr integrates and preserves the enduring legacies of her Native American heritage. Her work honors all facets of Native American life, showcasing their history through her colorful and dynamic still life oil paintings.  

Capturing the emotions of the viewer with her illusion of realism and texture, Judith wants you reach out to feel the fabric of the rugs, the beadwork on the moccasins, and the smoothness of the pottery or pick the kernels from the corn. Her distinctive style is unique with the use of a rug as consistent background element in almost every painting.

 Painting from her extensive collection, and from life, Judith enjoys the history and stories about each artifact.  Each painting is skillfully layered with colors and glazes using the technique of the old masters. Her goal is too continually to push the boundaries of excellence of superior oil paintings.     

Chosen for her innovative style, Judith Durr was the only woman chosen to participate in the eighteen month, prestigious Sharlot Hall Museum exhibition, “Paint” Breaking the Buckskin Ceiling. Judith’s four month retrospective included twenty five of her oil paintings, pottery and moccasins.

Judith’s work is represented in several museum permanent collections including the Museum of History and Anthropology, Mexico City, Mexico, Sharlot Hall Museum, Prescott, Arizona, and Pueblo Grande Museum, Phoenix, Arizona. Her genre includes western life, landscapes and historical research. 

She is a member of Western Artists of America, Western Premier Artists, Southwestern Premier Artists, Oil Painters of America, and American Society of Portrait Artists. Judith has been featured in Western Art Collector, Southwest Art and Art of the West.

Represented in galleries throughout the United States and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for their in house programs during Native American Heritage Month.

Judith lectures for museums, universities elder hostels and foreign exchange students programs, fine art councils, Native American events and private organizations and has been the featured artist for many fine art shows.      A native of Arizona and raised in the Southwest, Judith Durr resides in Cave Creek, Arizona with her artist husband, Roger Kull.    

  " My passion is the journey of producing the superior oil  paintings.  I maintain my identity and heritage through my artwork. "  Judith Durr

 Judith consistently paints the detailed rug from the rugs she has collected over the years. Many of the native rugs, beaded mocassins and the jewelry Judith uses, are old family pieces acquired while her family lived on the Navajo reservation in Montezuma Creek, Utah. It was these formative years that have given Judith Durr's the inspiration for her exquisite oil paintings. Some of her artifacts come from Judith's talented family members, her husband, mother, father and son. Her love for beadwork came from her mother, who influenced her daughter with her wonderful talent and patience. Judith collects Native artifacts, from South America to Canada. Her collection of authentic artifacts gives her source material to create the most accurate subject matter for her twelve layer oil paintings.

Visit the Offical Choctaw website: www.choctawnation.com


Judith is a member of the Indian Arts and Crafts Association (IACA) in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She is a card member of the Choctaw tribe. The Indian Arts and Crafts Association (IACA) is a not-for-profit organization established in 1974 to support the ethical promotion and protection of authentic Native American art and culture. IACA works to stop fraud and abuse within the market for Indian art through education, publicity, authentication and use of their logo to indicate certified ethical businesses. IACA sponsors the largest wholesale trade shows of handmade Indian art in the world twice a year. Members include, Native American artists, wholesale and retail dealers, museums, collectors and others who support the goals of the organization. IACA supports and works for the protection of indigenous art worldwide.

The Rose - A commissioned painting. These beautiful Shoshone moccasins belong to a lovely lady in Arizona who was Donna Reed's stunt double. Growing up in Montana and living near the Shoshone reservation, she had these made for her by a Shoshone beadworker and friend.

I have designed this site so you may view pictures of my oil paintings and learn a little about the influences in my life. I will be adding new pictures of my work, new products, new projects and some commissions in progress. So check back periodically.

Judith accepts commissions. If you have an artifact that you would like to see in a stil life or western life painting, contact Judith Durr for your personal original commission oil painting. 

Favorite Links to Joan Cawley Gallery, Pueblo Sedona Gallery, Arroyo Gallery, Western Artists of America, Cowgirl Up!, the offical Choctaw Nation, Southwestern Premier Artists.

Join Judith and Roger Kull at Pueblo Grande Museum, Phoenix, AZ, for Arizona's Western Heritage Showcase. Produced by Southwestern Premier Arists. Judith Durr and her husband, Roger Kull will be in the museums Community Room on the museums grounds. - April 2 & 3, 2011. Check out the website Southwestern Premier Artists - southwesternpremierartists.com

Judith Durr has received the honors of having her images used for:

  • 2010 Poster for the Pueblo Grande Museum
  • 2010 Poster for Festival of Fine Art, Sonoran Art League
  • 2009 Poster for Environmental Protection Agency American Indian Heritage Month
  • 2009 Poster for Environmental Protection Agency Training Publication
  • 2007 Poster for Environmental Protection Agency American Indian Heritage Month

Articles & Advertisng: 

  •  Western Art Collector
  •  Arizona's Collector's Guide
  •  Art of the West, Southwest Art
  •  The Santa Fean
  •  Wildlife Art

NativeAmerican artist, Judith Durr's online art gallery offers original oil paintings, commissions, and  prints. 

Thristystone coasters, throws & pillows by Pure Country Weavers, weather prints, wallpaper, kitchen assesories by Kay Dee Designs,  music boxes by Cottage Garden, Inc., and other fine art licensed products can be found in gift shops through out the country.

COPYRIGHTS All Images on this site © Judith Durr. All Rights Reserved.


Federal law protects copyrights. It is quite simple to figure out. If you copy any or part of another artists work, it is not yours. Not a percentage or part of another’s artwork can be  copied without permission from the artist. There are workshops, books, and teachers to help you find your way.  An artist idea is their own. Their sources are found everywhere. So, be unique, come up with your own ideas and your own style. Get the permission of an artist before you use anything of theirs. Ideas abound and everyone has a signature. Use your creativity and ideas, not someone else’s. Copyrights are for the artist and the public's protection.  Artists, please retain your copyrights! Never give your copyright away to anyone. You did the work, you deserve the benefits.


If you would like to see my work in your area, please ask for me by name at your local gallery! Thank you for your interest in my artwork. 







Above is the poster for Sonoran Arts League, Festival of Fine Art Show 2010 

Juditdh Durr, PO Box 12, Cave Creek, AZ 85327   480-595-2443    judithdurr@yahoo.com